Renée Theodory Salti
Elders of Palestine

Meet Renée Theodory Salti. 


She was born in 1931 in Jerusalem, Palestine.


When the Nakba occurred, Renée recalls how her father refused to leave Palestine, but how, like hundreds of thousands of other Palestinians, the family was eventually forced to flee in fear for their lives.  At the age of 17, Renée found herself on a bus heading for the Egyptian border having to care for her two younger siblings. They were stuck in a makeshift camp on the border, as Egypt was not allowing the Palestinians to enter. That is where she stayed with her siblings for two months until her parents managed to find them and get them out. 


She subsequently returned to Jerusalem and married Shibli Salti, but they were again displaced from Jerusalem in the aftermath of the Israeli occupation in 1967. The family moved to Amman, Jordan where Renee remains to this day.


Renee was interviewed in May 2024 in her home in Amman. 


Her memories of Palestine are a testament to the history of a people that the Zionist occupation so desperately tries to erase. They cannot and will not. We will continue to tell their stories in the hopes of making Palestinian voices heard across the world.